quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Shyness, stupidity or affectation

Sometimes it is very difficult to differentiate shyness, stupidity and affectation. Each of these characteristics imposes constraints different to all of us and still can make quite difficult the relationships even professionals.
Shyness is usually the most acceptable of all. One must forgive in others what affects everyone to a greater or lesser degree. But it must be noted that this is unacceptable in certain situations. This is the case of crew leaders or people whose contact with the public is required as police and public servants in general.
The stupidity here is treated as the limitation intellectual even. It may be general, in which case that, the victimized people usually can not reach positions and responsibilities that require meshing ability. It can also be specific and relates only one skill in particular. It is the case of very capable professionals in their respective areas but who never knew how to develop the skills of empathy, negotiation and general communication.
Affectation is probably the most difficult to accept. It may stem from a feeling of superiority. Always involves a lack of connection with reality and with the minimal features necessary for good relationships. Either way, the sense of the ridiculous and will of interact and the respect for the space of others, not attacking the others, have been harmed.
Much of the time, what happens is a mixture of these characteristics. The most important is that the set produced not impossible relationships, and even worse, impossible to achieve common results.
Timidity, stupidity or affectation. It's always hard to know what is happening when someone has difficulty of empathy, participation or just seems "rude". All people have some degree of these characteristics. It is important to overcome these limitations so that they can achieve the desired results. You can hit most of the activities carried out, but at one time or another failure in the pursuit of negotiation, interacting, respect each other.

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